Wednesday, July 11, 2012


There has been much discussion on the issues of dressing for Christians. I will present a balanced viewed of what you should look at as standard in dressing as a child of God.

1. Get the purpose. The reason why people go into error many times is because they do things without a clear cut purpose for what they do and at other times they do it for the wrong purpose. You must dress for the right purpose and reason.

2. What constitutes the right purpose in dressing? 1 Cor. 10: 31 “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” 
You should dress with a mind of glorifying God. If you keep this point in mind you will remain on the side of caution in your dressing. A lady whose dressing is revealing part of her breast can’t claim that her dressing glorifies God. 

3. Don’t dress for attention. This one common reason for which many people dress.

4. You should not dress to appear sexy as the unbelievers do. If you do you will be dressing for the wrong reason you will be stimulating lust in people that are watching you.

5. Decency and modesty should be your watchwords. This is probably the number one safety measure you can put in place to remain on the right side in your dressing.

What does decency means? It means behavior or attitude that conforms to the commonly accepted standard of what is right and respectable. You should always ask yourself if your dressing will appear right morally to people and if it present you as a respectable person. If your answer is not in the affirmative then something is wrong with your dressing. Always endeavour to dress in a respectable way. A dressing that is revealing your privacy is not respectable and you should not wear such.


a. unwilling to draw attention to yourself

b. to be reserved in appearance especially in relation to sexual matters.

c. to be moderate

A modest dressing does not draw attention to you unduly and it is not sexually suggestive 

6. You should avoid clothes that unnecessarily accentuate your body part.

7. As a child of God you should not follow the worldly fashion trend. Satan is the god of this world and fashion is one of his tools for luring Christians into errors.

8. Don’t attempt to copy the dressing of a friend who is not a child of God. This can mislead you. Look at what Romans 12: 2 says “And do not be conformed to this world…” 

Consequences of wrong dressing

1. It gives a negative impression of you to people

2. The respect people have for you wear down if you start dressing indecently.

3. It can damage your Christian reputation.

4. It may hinder you from being an effective witness of the gospel. People want to see the difference between you and them before listening to your message.

5. It can bring you disfavour with people that matters.


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