Saturday, December 31, 2011


Cheating has to do with acting dishonestly to gain an advantage or to break rules in order to gain advantage. Therefore anything you do in an exam that breaks any of the rules of the exam is cheating. God is not going to be part of anything dishonest and neither will he approve it. It is wrong to get involved in any form of examination malpractices. It doesn’t matter whether it is intentional or not. The first thing you must do to avoid exam malpractices is to make up your mind not to be involved for any reason. If you don’t make this resolution you may come across situations that you won’t be able to resist. Then you should take measures that  will make it difficult for you to get involved. For example, you can deliberately sit on the first or second row in the examination hall. Most people who want to cheat in exams don’t seat at the front. This will help reduce pressure from people. Also you can decide not to sit close to your friends in the exams because if they make demand of you to assist them in the exams you may not be able to say no. You should prepare very well for your exams so you won’t be tempted to cheat. If people around your sit are disturbing you can request that the invigilator put you in another sit.
The important thing is that you should not be involved in exam malpractice. It will undermine your Christian testimony. Keep in mind that we are children of God and we should not be a part of anything dishonest.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks. It's awesome ,it is realy helpful.Mobile Phone Jammer is very helpful for cheating free examination.
